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On the NRA TV program, as part of his argument to arm classroom teachers, Judd referenced the fact that one of the 17 casualties in the Parkland shooting was a classroom teacher. Judd told host Grant Stinchfield that before the teacher was fatally wounded, he "would have shot the active shooter had he a firearm" and "would have saved his students. " MSD High School athletic director Chris Hixon, assistant football coach Aaron Feis and teacher Scott Beigel were among those slain in the shooting. Though many Parkland victim family members and some members of the investigatory commission have maintained their stance against arming classroom teachers, the report did recommend one remedy, among a number of others, that state law should be amended to allow certain qualified, trained teachers to carry firearms on the job. Even so, the Florida Education Association has voiced their adamant opposition to such a measure, as has the Florida PTA. Stay on top of Orlando news and views. Sign up for our weekly Headlines newsletter.

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Streaming serie person of interest du 23 02 2016

Streaming serie person of interest

When Rey defeats Kylo, did she cut off his leg? Or where just my impressions? She seemed to definitely have cut off his left hand, just like Vader & Luke lost their hands. I'm not sure about his leg, I think it was just slashed and not severed.

Publié le 18-08-2020, 10:09 Publié le 18-08-2020, 10:09

March 13, 2021